Crystal Geyser
South of Green River, Utah

Crystal Geyser
South of Green River Utah

Crystal Geyser
South of Green River, Utah

Crystal Geyser
South of Green River, Utah

Toppled Stones
South of Green River near Crystal Geyser

Fossil Point
Fossil bearing stones south of Green River, Utah

Fossil Point
South of Green River, This looks to be a rib. It is about three inches across.

Fossil Point Backbone
This is a backbone in a stone at Fossil point south of Green River, Utah

Fossil Cast
This is south of Green River, the fossil bone has been chipped out for the most part. The bone is weaker than the stone.

Dinosaur Ribs
At Fossil point south of Green River, Utah

Fossil Point
South of Green River, this site has a lot of fossils in the rocks scattered about.

Horse Bench Resevoir

Goblin Valley, Utah

Goblin Valley

Goblin Valley

Black Dragon Canyon

I-70 in southerin Utah